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9 AM - 5 PM
< 16 business hours
< 8 business hours
down < 1 hour
9 AM - 5 PM
< 8 business hours
< 4 business hours
down < 1 hour
9 AM - 5 PM
< 4 business hours
< 2 business hours
down < 1 hour
9 AM - 5 PM
< 2 business hours
< 1 business hours
down < 1 hour
Can I try Connexease for free?
Of course! You can trial the Starter plan free for 30 days. If you want to try another plan, just ask. When you’re confident Connexease is right for you, you can buy any plan from within your trial account.
What do I need to use Whatsapp on Connexease?
You will need Whatsapp Business Api Access. Connexease can take care of the application for you as per our agreements with Whatsapp Business Solution Provider partners. For Api Application, you will need a Facebook Business Manager whose “Business Status” is approved for your company. You will also need a phone number to use for Whatsapp.
Can I use all the channels, including Whatsapp, with multiple agents?
Yes, with Connexease, you can manage all your communication channels, including Whatsapp, with more than one person at the same time.
What is the number of 'Unique Monthly Customers' in pricing?
The number of unique customers communicating with your company within the calendar month. The same customer re-communicating with you at certain times of the month is reflected in your monthly Unique Customer number in the same month as +1.